Despite receiving such a miserable demotion from his human family, Jake has lost none of his faith in humanity. He continues to be as much of a people lover as ever and delights in any loves and cuddles that might come his way.
photo by Barbara
"We've been blessed with the beauty that is this amazing little half blind sick kitten. She was dumped, she can only see out of one eye and that one is infected, she's tested positive for feline leukemia yet she's the happiest most loving little darling. We should all learn a lesson from this little girl."
"He was sleeping back to back with Jeremy on day. I was scratching Jeremy and Pumpkin was threatening to kill me. So I just started scratching him up and down his back. So funny, he stops mid hiss, mouth hanging open.... Now if you're careful you can reach around and scratch him. But I warn you, it's like scratching a newspaper written in Braille!"
"Cruiser has trained us well: he gets what he wants, goes where he wants and still manages to be invisible. Mostly because he doesn't like a fuss or a crowd.
If he wants something, be it a cuddle or to be let in or out of the single, he will let you know.
He's a very good kitty."