RAPS is short for Regional Animal Protection Society, a registered charity and operator of a sanctuary which houses and cares for nearly 500 homeless or abandoned cats in Richmond, BC, Canada. The Neko Files is a celebration of the sanctuary and all those who live and work there.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Birdie came to the sanctuary some time ago as a feral.

photo by Barbara

For ages I simply knew her as the Cat Who Stares.
She does this very well.

Believe it or not, these photos were all taken on different days!

While Birdie likes her cat friends and can often be found in the "cuddle puddle" on top of one of the appliances in the singlewide, for a long time she was never really comfortable with people. She'd look at let you look back, but any attempt to touch would be rewarded with a good swift swat.

photo by Michele

Lately, she's started to let people make contact. Leslie says she always seemed like she wanted to be touched, but she just couldn't quite bring herself to allow it.

Whatever her reasons (and it may just be a function of her age), I'm glad to see Birdie finally allowing herself to enjoy some love from all who would like to be her human friends.


  1. That and another 100 dollars worth of treats ;)

  2. Haha @ the comment. :D
    Yeah Miss Birdy Bird warms up a lot faster if you've got a food type bribe to make her forget her disdain for us.

  3. Love Birdie - and she's getting a lot better after sooo many years! If you sneak up behind her and pat her back and then her head she's ok. If you go at her head on - she won't usually let you touch her.
    Bev J.

  4. We sadly lost Birdie a few weeks ago - I miss her as she got so tame and friendly in the last year or so. She'd had a long and good life there with all her feline friends. Bev J.
