RAPS is short for Regional Animal Protection Society, a registered charity and operator of a sanctuary which houses and cares for nearly 500 homeless or abandoned cats in Richmond, BC, Canada. The Neko Files is a celebration of the sanctuary and all those who live and work there.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Sissy is a former feral who, through patient attention and determined affection from Catherine, has begun to think that humans might be OK.

When she was brought in 4-5 years ago, Sissy was just not into the prospect of any human contact. Hardly unusual for a feral.

But Catherine took a shine to her, grouchy face and all, and decided to make a project of her.

As Sissy was already out of her cage by this time, Catherine would just approach and try to touch her whenever she had the chance. This clearly got Sissy's interest, as she started following Catherine around the room. Eventually, Catherine was able to make contact and stroke Sissy. When Sissy was caged for a time due to some medical issue, she was able to introduce her to the concept of sitting on a lap, something that Sissy decided was indeed rather nice.

These days, if Catherine sits on the floor when she comes in in the morning, Sissy may actually come over of her own accord and climb onto her lap. She's even had some luck with being able to pick her up.

All this work at socializing Sissy has paid off for the rest of us too, as Sissy has started to allow others to touch and stroke her. She still has a peculiar habit of hissing when approached, which can be off-putting until you realize that she has no intention of following it up with teeth or claws. Get past (i.e. ignore) the hissing barrier and Sissy immediately capitulates, allowing herself to enjoy being stroked.


  1. Sissy came in with Mitch (who went home with a volunteer). They had been fed by a couple and had to be trapped when one of the couple passed away forcing the other to move. Their name for her was less complimentary!


  2. Sissy is hilarious, she follows me around just out of reach until we finally get together and snuggle. She loves her tummy rubs and will flip and flop on the floor in ecstasy.
    I used to get the hiss before I touched her now I never get it until I have to stop petting her and leave, then she hisses at me and gives me such a look.

  3. I heard Sissy came in with another cat, but didn't know the name. Thanks!

    And tummy rubs now? Wow, that's great. I've just got to the point where I can stroke her with both hands and have her look like she's enjoying it. Looking forward to the prospect of full happy snuggles!

  4. Great to read Sissy's story...I didn't realize she was the cat who came to the sanctuary with my Mitch. I will have to come visit her.

    Nice to hear she's taken to humans. Mitch was cuddly from the start so never needed much coaxing in that department. :)

  5. Glad you got a chance to visit Sissy tonight, Kim. And she didn't even hiss at you!
