RAPS is short for Regional Animal Protection Society, a registered charity and operator of a sanctuary which houses and cares for nearly 500 homeless or abandoned cats in Richmond, BC, Canada. The Neko Files is a celebration of the sanctuary and all those who live and work there.

Monday, April 11, 2011


photo by Barbara

Dustin, Dixie and Delia came to RAPS a decade ago as tiny feral kittens, shy and wide-eyed, ears flattened sideways against their heads ("airplane ears") as they took in the scary humans moving around outside their cage.

As they grew older, Dixie became the tamest of the three and was adopted by a person who adored her. When he went on a trip to visit family, he took her with him. While away, taking fright of something and leaping out of the arms of whoever had been holding her, Dixie zipped out an open door and was never seen again.

Brother Dustin stayed at the shelter but sadly passed away last December.

 Dustin (right) and friend Travis
Travis is also very sadly no longer with us
photo by Barbara

Delia is still with us. It took some time for her to become tame. Even now, if taken by surprise, particularly by someone she doesn't know well, she may let out a defensive hiss as she assesses the threat. Approached slowly, though, and she soon relaxes into purrs and rubs.


  1. I love this kitty so very very much.
    She's like a mini Dustin in looks but very much like herself in every other way.
    Much cuddly than Dustin, she'll often come down from up top and sit on my lap while I scoop.

  2. Until this week, I had no idea she was so friendly! But what a darling she is.
