RAPS is short for Regional Animal Protection Society, a registered charity and operator of a sanctuary which houses and cares for nearly 500 homeless or abandoned cats in Richmond, BC, Canada. The Neko Files is a celebration of the sanctuary and all those who live and work there.

Thursday, March 6, 2025


Celeste in a reflective mood (MK)
Pretty tabby Celeste is another cat-graduate of the Pen 2 colony.  Originally there were five tabbies who came to the Sanctuary in 2017, identified as unadoptable (generally because of shyness). Calvin and Chase preferred to remain in their Pen 2 cabin;  Zivko migrated next door to Pen 1, and became the ringleader of the Back Courtyard Boys Club until his passing. Sassy Sophie moved to the Tea Room, and Celeste opted for the warmth and comfort of the DoubleWide.

Those innocent eyes!   (MW)
Celeste and Sophie have remained in their chosen surroundings, and nowadays they have very little to do with each other.  Celeste is easily picked out from the other tabbies by her pretty face and expressive eyes. She has learned that people gravitate towards her when she presents herself, and at the weekends she moves out of the indoor comfort of the Laundry Room to her place in the Breezeway, ready to welcome the visitors.  

Posed to receive tidbits   (BC)
Other cats may crowd closer to the gates, looking for the first pets and attention, but she stands at chest-level where she can’t be missed, and proves an immediate magnet for people looking for strokable cats. We do have to warn a number of visitors about the reactivity of our collared felines, and to find a cat that is clearly saying “Pet me!” is a welcome treat.

In the box is always best  (KN)
She has also learned that visitors carry little cups of kibble, and if she gets to them soonest, she gets first choice. Our cat-treats are not usually all empty-calorie Temptations, but are a mixture of donated cat-kibbles, usually higher-value than the standard treats. Celeste is not afraid to turn up her nose at something she likes less, and demand an alternative. She loves to preen and pose and have attention given to her.

Celeste knows that all the volunteers listed on the board
are there to serve her!  (BC)
Typically, someone will ask if she’s adoptable. At first glance, that would be an obvious “Yes!” - but adoptability is not always just about how friendly the cat is, and Celeste has a couple of quirks that put her firmly on the permanent-Sanctuary-resident list. Under the shelf of towels and folded bedding in the Laundry room are two of the litter boxes for the local cats.  And first thing in the morning (and other times as well) we will always find a little cat-poop deposit outside the litter box.  This is usually Celeste;  she can be observed using the litter box for urination, and then popping outside to leave a solid deposit.  She’s not the only one – but she’s probably the most consistent!

Celeste  (MW)
Her other quirk is one she had in common with Calvin. The Pen 2 water-bowl used to have to stand inside its own box, because Calvin used his paws in drinking – and Celeste does the same thing.  The Breezeway water-bowl has to get changed more frequently than all the others because she will stand in the bowl, and lick at her paws, or splash at the water to get it moving.  And on a muddy day, or after visiting the litter-box, that’s pretty messy!

you put your left paw in.... and you shake it all about   (BC)
A very cute, dainty cat, on the surface, but probably not one to have as a house resident. Celeste has the best of both worlds – lots of human attention and petting, plus the ability to indulge in her own bad habits, and have volunteers mop up after her, morning and evening.  She knows that we know she does it – but those big innocent eyes say, “Who? Me?” and she is immediately forgiven.

Blog by Brigid Coult
Photos by Brigid Coult, Mike Kossey, Karen Nicholson, Michele Wright.