RAPS is short for Regional Animal Protection Society, a registered charity and operator of a sanctuary which houses and cares for nearly 500 homeless or abandoned cats in Richmond, BC, Canada. The Neko Files is a celebration of the sanctuary and all those who live and work there.

Monday, June 21, 2010


This sorry looking creature arrived at the sanctuary just last Thursday. He was trapped on McLennan Avenue in Richmond, a wandering unneutered male with an impossibly matted coat and earmites so bad that he would have scratched his ears off if only it would put a stop to the discomfort.

Given the name Morresy, he's been to the vet, had his ears treated and his coat shaved. His cage in the doublewide is has blankets hung around his bed to give him a little refuge.

And a refuge he needs. Unlike many of the frightened strays I've met so far, I haven't seen Morresy lash out or spit; instead he just hunches down and quivers. He's thought to like being scratched under the chin... but that only works if you can quietly sit with him long enough for the quivering and flinching at every touch to subside. Wait a little longer, still being quiet and gentle as ever, and he slowly starts to relax enough to remember how hungry he is. It begins with a few lip smacks, a couple of licks, and then suddenly he's inhaling the plate of canned food being held in front of him.

Even with all the patience needed and the likely prospect of slow progress, there's something so rewarding about working with a cat who needs convincing before they realize that their world doesn't have to be a place of fear and uncertainty.


  1. I think there is a very cool cat sans shivers!! The more time we spend with him the better he will get. He strikes me as having a gentle soul.
    Ann J

  2. I agree about the gentle soul. My heart really goes out to the poor guy and I'll come out there just to sit with him if that's what it takes.

  3. I spent quite a bit of time with him yesterday during my shift. After my second or third visit, he wasn't quivering as much but he'll need of lots of loving to convince him that he doesn't have to be scared anymore.

  4. I'll spend time with him before my shift tonight as well!
    Ann J

  5. Awww, wish I was there to help dole out the loves. He sounds like he needs it.

  6. Give this guy a few months and I bet we will have to try really hard to remember how scared he was.
    If anyone can love this baby into trusting us and being happy it's us!

  7. This is teamwork at its best! He's already starting to relax just a teeny bit.

  8. Aww today he pushed his head into the palm of my hand!
    Ann J

  9. Is he still with us? I visited the double wide yesterday and he was not there...

  10. He was there this evening.
    He can be convinced to eat a bit more easily now.
    AND, after I got him calmed down enough to stroke him for a while, he even gave me a soft little purr for a minute or so!

  11. Now he's in head but mode!!! Sometimes he rams so hard he tends to fall over Poor little guy!!!

  12. Be careful that he doesn't suddenly look up into your face after the head butting - that happened tonight, which startled him so he scratched me.
