Cypress (KN) |
Cypress came into our care in 2018; he’s probably around ten years old. As an FIV+ cat, he is a resident of the New Aids pen. Because FIV is transmitted though bite wounds, there will often be multiple cats in a colony that carry it, and we have received several FIV+ cats from the various mid-Island rescues: in the same year Cypress arrived, we took in
Francis, Drake and
Jerry (the latter now living in the Val Jones area),
Domino and Amaretto a couple of years later, and
Marble and her sons more recently.
Early days: stay away! (KN) |
In his early days, Cypress did not approve of the relocation – he was a very angry feral, preferring to do his go-away hissing from the cage-tops or from the back pens where the shy cats hang out. His tattered ears indicated that he was a likely scrapper, and he was certainly not afraid to lash out at any humans that ventured a hand too close.
Cypress with his (now departed) buddies, Francis (back) & Malcolm (front) (KN) |
He may not have been human-friendly, but he was, and is, very cat-social. He could often be found in company with handsome Francis (who hated us just as much, in the early days!) and with little Tiberius, who progressed to accepting tidbits with great enthusiasm. Some cats enjoy each other’s company and others just tolerate it; Cypress really liked his feline friends, and made sure he was in integral part of the cage-top cuddle-puddles.
Rocket with Cypress (LBF) |
Many cats who carry the FIV retrovirus show no obvious signs of it, and will live healthy lives as long as any other cat. Where we do occasionally see symptoms is with the mouth: dental problems, gum disease, mouth ulcers. Cypress is one of the cats for whom stomatitis eventually necessitated all his teeth being removed. Sometimes that enforced time in a cage with more human attention flips a switch for them; certainly Cypress is now a changed cat.
Relaxing in the garden (BH) |
These days he spends more time interacting with the New Aids volunteers and the Kitty Comforters; if there is a lap available, he is ready to be pushy in getting to it. That was often difficult with
Hank and
Trooper around; now the two of them have been adopted, Cypress is very happy to be getting more attention. He does get a bit over-stimulated sometimes, and the petting hand needs to be ready to suspend action; he may not have any teeth, but his paw is fast, and his claws are sharp!
Snuggles with Amaretto (MS) |
He may love humans more than he used to do, but he doesn’t love other cats less – he can still be found snuggling happily with his buddies, and in particular with little Amaretto, who is his best girlfriend (not that he has much choice, since Dahlia doesn’t like anyone, and Marble only has time for her sons!). With the recent cold weather, he has stayed in the warmth of the main cabin, but he’ll probably be off to the back pens soon to enjoy visiting with the shyer boys again.
Blog by Brigid Coult
Photos by Lisa Brill-Friesen, Brielle Hitchison, Karen Nicholson, Molly Sjerdal
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