RAPS is short for Regional Animal Protection Society, a registered charity and operator of a sanctuary which houses and cares for nearly 500 homeless or abandoned cats in Richmond, BC, Canada. The Neko Files is a celebration of the sanctuary and all those who live and work there.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Sponsoring Miss Spitz

As many of you know, RAPS has a sponsorship program that allows people to sponsor a sanctuary cat of their choice for just $15 a month. (For those who'd like more information on this great program, you can find it on the RAPS website: http://www.rapsociety.com/sponsorship.php)

Kitty comforter Lee Turner tells us a bit about her sponsor cat, Spitz.

Lee with the washer/dryer cuddle puddle

Back in February, Lee was looking for a new cat to sponsor after her previous sponsor cat passed away. Marianne Moore, who looks after the program, suggested that she meet “Miss Spitz.” The pictures below were taken from this first encounter.

photos provided by Lee Turner

Lee was delighted by how friendly Spitz was on a first meeting. In her notes describing the meeting, Lee wrote
Miss Spitz is a real beauty and personality just like our Gabby is. Hard to believe there was a time when she wasn't like this at all. Lots of TLC from her caregivers has her just a sweet, sweet kitty.
I asked Lee if she’d had any luck picking up Miss Spitz, as when Leslie and I recently tried to maneuver the formerly feral calico beauty into a more photogenic cat bed for a possible calendar photo op, we got a few hisses for our troubles.

Lee wrote
I have on occasion [picked her up] and managed to pet her. When I go into the single-wide… I go right away and look for Miss Spitz and most times I can find her in her bed. Sometimes I even wake her up to pet her and visit with her. She always enjoys treats from me before I go on to the leukemia room. She purrs up a storm too. Hard to believe she was once feral and quite nasty, hence her name as she hissed a lot. Now she is so very loving and just a little sweetheart.
Thanks for sharing your Spitz story, Lee! If any other sponsors would like to tell us about their sponsor cat(s), please email your story and photos to nekoraps[at]gmail.com!


  1. I've had Spitz on my lap - you have to hold her firmly at first, but then she likes the petting and will stay put for awhile. She really is gorgeous - and now has the personality to match her great beauty! Bev J.

    1. That's great! I'm glad she's thinking she likes people more these days - now that she's Miss December in the 2014 sanctuary calendar, she'll probably have even more people wanting to meet her!
