RAPS is short for Regional Animal Protection Society, a registered charity and operator of a sanctuary which houses and cares for nearly 500 homeless or abandoned cats in Richmond, BC, Canada. The Neko Files is a celebration of the sanctuary and all those who live and work there.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sophie, Hiro and Miko

I was introduced to a wild mama today by the name of Sophie.


She was brought in to the sanctuary as a pregnant feral and gave birth to her litter in the kitten trailer. In a room at the other end of the trailer were some older kittens who'd been trapped earlier. Describing this to me, Leslie remembers how surprised she was when Carol told her that Sophie was in fact the mother of both litters.

When the older kittens were reintroduced to their mother, who they'd not seen for a number of months, there was no question whether they remembered her or not. A cuddle-fest ensued. Most of the kittens were later adopted out, but brother and sister Hiro and Miko remained at the sanctuary. They can still often be seen nearby their mom.

Hiro & Mary

Tabby Hiro's a little nervous around people, but black Miko loves a good cuddle. Today, she spent a good amount of time wriggling around on top of the cage where she was perched, anxious to demonstrate her immense cuddleability.


Sophie's still a bit wild but, if pressed, will make an effort to allow herself to be stroked. Some time spend in a cage receiving attention from animal care staff a while back seems to have helped her get more used to people. Now, even if she does give in to the urge to swat, she will (at least in my experience) limit herself to a light slap on the wrist.


  1. I went looking for them in the single wide? Couldn't find any of them :(

  2. Hiro is a total mama's boy. He is almost always with his mama and they snuggle up together. It's the only time he'll let me touch him. I have far more success with Sophie!

  3. These three love to play on and with towels.
    If you leave one on the floor behind you when you are cleaning they will start playing together on it rolling around and scooting about.
    Any toys I find I always chuck at them and they almost always rise to the offer.
    They amuse me greatly and seem very happy.

  4. Towels & toys, huh? Thanks for the tip!
